Showing 721 - 735 of 736 results
Greenlee RT, Flagg EW, Liff J, McAlpine B, Kleinbaum DG. (2000). Time trends in melanoma incidence by tumor thickness, metropolitan Atlanta, 1981-1996. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 151(11):S33.
Wingo PA, Calle EE, Walker KA, Greenlee RT, Thun MJ. (2000). SES and black-white differences in mortaility in a large prospective cohort of U.S. men and women. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 151(11):S90.
Fulton J, Wu XC, Carozza SE, Greenlee RT, Liu L, Steele B, Chen VW. (2000). Variation in colorectal cancer incidence among states and metropolitan areas in the United States, 1991-1995. In: Chen VW, Howe, HL, Wu XC, Hotes JL, Correa CN (Ed.), Cancer in North America, 1993-1997 (Vol. Vol 1: Incidence). Springfield, IL: North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.
Belongia EA, Reed KD, Mitchell PD, Chyou P, Mueller-Rizner NJ, Finkel MF, Schreifer ME. (1999 December). Clinical and epidemiological features of early Lyme disease and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Wisconsin. Clin Infect Dis. 29(6):1472-1477.
PubMed ID: 10585798
Belongia EA, Schwartz B. (1998 September). Strategies for promoting judicious use of antibiotics by doctors and patients. BMJ. 317(7159):668-671.
PubMed ID: 9728003
Mills WA, Martin DL, Bertrand JR, Belongia EA. (1998 March). Physicians' practices and opinions regarding prenatal screening for human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases. Sex Transm Dis. 25(3):169-175.
PubMed ID: 9524996
Mayeno AN, Belongia EA, Gleich GJ. (1998). Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. Encyclopedia of Toxicology. :541-544.
Jacobson DM, Vierkant RA, Belongia EA. (1997 November). Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy: a case-control study of potential risk factors. Arch Ophthalmol. 115(11):1403-1407.
PubMed ID: 9366670
Belongia EA, Chyou P, Reed KD. (1997 October). Lyme disease and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (letter). Am J Clin Pathol. 108(4):479-483.
PubMed ID: 9322603
Belongia EA, Reed KD, Mitchell PD, Kolbert CP, Persing DH, Gill JS, Kazmierczak JJ. (1997 June). Prevalence of granulocytic Ehrlichia infection among white-tailed deer in Wisconsin. J Clin Microbiol. 35(6):1465-1468.
PubMed ID: 9163463
Belongia EA, Danila RN, Angamuthu V, Hickman CD, DeBoer JM, MacDonald KL, Osterholm MT. (1997 May). A population-based study of sexually transmitted disease incidence and risk factors in HIV-infected persons. Sex Transm Dis. 24(5):251-256.
PubMed ID: 9153732
Belongia EA, Gleich GJ. (1996 October). The eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome revisted. J Rheumatol. 23(10):1682-1685.
PubMed ID: 8895139
Reed KD, Mitchell PD, Belongia EA. (1996 August). Laboratory diagnosis of tick-borne diseases in Wisconsin. Wis Med J. 95(8):557-563.
PubMed ID: 8772416
Belongia EA. (1995). Increasing incidence of gonorrhea: Minnesota, 1994. Centers for Disease Control: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 44 :282-286.
Belongia EA, Moore SJ, Steece RS, MacDonald KL. (1994 March). Factors associated with the geographic variation of reported chlamydia infection in Minnesota. Sex Transm Dis. 21(2):70-75.
PubMed ID: 9071415