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Showing 211 - 219 of 219 results
  • Breden TG, Berg RL, Plotka ED. (1996 July). Effects of substrate and separation method on acrosin amidase measurements. J Androl. 17(4):443-448.
    PubMed ID: 8889708
  • Nitschke LF, Schlosser CT, Berg RL, Selthafner JV, Wengert TJ, Avecilla CS. (1996 April). Does patient-controlled analgesia achieve better control of pain and fewer adverse effects than intramuscular analgesia? A prospective randomized trial. Arch Surg. 131(4):417-423.
    PubMed ID: 8615729
  • Jacobson DM, Tetzlaff BA, Berg RL. (1996). Establishing an electroretinography laboratory according to an international standard. Am J END Technol. 36 :47-65.
  • Gribble RK, Meier PR, Berg RL. (1995 September). The value of urine screening for glucose at each prenatal visit. Obstet Gynecol. 86(3):405-410.
    PubMed ID: 7651652
  • DeStefano F, Berg RL, Griese GG. (1995 July). Determinants of serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in children. Epidemiology. 6(4):446-449.
    PubMed ID: 7548360
  • Gribble RK, Fee SC, Berg RL. (1995 July). The value of routine urine dipstick screening for protein at each prenatal visit. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 173(1):214-217.
    PubMed ID: 7631685
  • Laidlaw SA, Berg RL, Kopple JD, Naito H, Walker WG, Walser M. (1994 April). Patterns of fasting plasma amino acid levels in chronic renal insufficiency: results from the feasibility phase of the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 23(4):504-513.
    PubMed ID: 8154485
  • Snetselaar L, Dwyer J, Adler S, Petot GJ, Berg RL, Gassman JJ, Homer H. (1994). Reduction of dietary protein and phosphorus in the modification of diet in renal disease feasibility study. J Am Diet Assoc. 94 :986-990.
  • Gribble RK, Ricci-Goodman JM, Berg RL. (1994). Screening for chlamydia trachomatis in low-risk obstetric patients. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 1 :177-181.