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CCEPH Receives Grant to Study MMR Vaccine (November 2014)
A $440,000 federal grant will support Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health (CCEPH) Researchers’ study of long-term effectiveness of a third dose of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, as scientists work to better protect against mumps.

Ebola 101: Separating Fact from Fiction (October 2014) 
So what are the facts? Should we get ready for an Ebola epidemic in the United States? Edward Belongia, MD, Director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health (CCEPH), Infectious Disease Epidemiologist and former CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer provides a brief review of what we know and don’t know.

National Obesity Treatment Study in Rural Communities (October 2014)
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health (CCEPH) Researchers and Marshfield Clinic doctors are looking for new, more effective ways to treat obesity in rural communities as part of a 5-year, $10 million national study.

CCEPH Researchers' Study Finds Prior Flu Season Vaccines May Provide Residual Protection (September 2014)
Influenza vaccines given in prior years may provide protection against the flu for more than one year, according to a study published online Monday, Sept. 29, 2014 in the Clinical Infectious Diseases Journal.  Huong McLean, PhD, MPH, the study's lead investigator from the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health (CCEPH) at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute (MCRI), was also quoted in the Marshfield News Herald on October 1, 2014, regarding this study.

CCEPH Researcher Appointed to ACIP (July 2014) 
Edward Belongia, MD, Director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health (CCEPH), was appointed as a voting member to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP is a group of 15 medical and public health experts who develop recommendations on how to use vaccines to control diseases in the United States.

Marshfield Clinic Helps CDC with This Year's Flu Vaccine (January 2014)
Doctors say we are in the heat of flu season; if you're going to get vaccinated, now is the perfect time. Edward Belongia, MD was interviewed on the respected Influenza research being conducted right here in Marshfield. As stated in the article, "So far, they’ve enrolled more than 500 people in the study at Marshfield, and about 45 percent have tested positive for the flu."  Efforts continue with the study team and as Ed was quoted, "It’s still not too late, but don’t wait to get vaccinated."

H1N1 Reappears as Main Flu Strain (January 2014)
Edward Belongia, MD was quoted in the Marshfield News Herald regarding the research on this year’s flu season. In January he stated, "In terms of number of cases, it’s still relatively low, but we’re nowhere near the peak of the season." A typical flu season begins in December and continues through to February. For the 2013-14 season, there were reports of flu increasing in late November.

Do Vitamins A, E and Zinc Affect Immunity in Well-Nourished Seniors? (December 2013) 
Vitamins A, E, and Zinc have been identified as having an affect on the immune system. Maria Sundaram, MSPH worked in collaboration on the investigation of this relationship due to the elderly population being at risk for vitamin deficiencies and influenza.