Will this training help comply with OSHA regulations?
There are a number of OSHA requirements to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Worker training is one of OSHA’s requirements. The National Farm Medicine Centers offers farm safety audits to assist farmers in fully complying with OSHA regulations. Learn more about our Agricultural Safety Consulting (ASC) .

When and where do you schedule trainings?
We understand the around the clock nature of dairy farming and the challenges of transporting workers to other locations for training. We will schedule trainings on your farm when it is most convenient for you and your workers. We have done trainings at 4:30 in the morning and at 6:30 in the evening.

How long is the training?
This training takes only five hours to complete. Each module is one hour and we offer the option to train your workers one module at a time. For example, if it better suits your schedule to allow one hour per week of worker training, we will focus on one module per week.

How much will the training cost?
This is a FREE training. In partnership with the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center, the National Farm Medicine Center has grant funding to support these trainings. Visit Seguridad en las Lecherías: Immigrant Dairy Worker Health and Safety, for more information about this project.

Why should I train my workers?
Training is an important first step in ensuring a safe workplace. A safe work place helps productivity and keep costs down. For more information about making sure your farm is talk to NFMC staff at Agricultural Safety Consulting (ASC).

Do you provide skid steer training?
Our trainings provide an overview on how to recognize hazards and risks and ways to be safe at work. We discuss basic skid steer safety practices. However, we do not offer trainings of how to operate specific pieces of machinery. We are happy to refer you to organizations that provide more in-depth trainings on this topic.

Do workers understand the information offered in the training?
Our trainings are designed for entry level workers who may have limited formal education. The content is delivered in the workers’ native language and includes interactive and engaging activities. We perform very brief assessments to demonstrate learning and understanding. For other trainings contact ASC.

How many farms have participated in your trainings?
As of September 2014, we have provided 1,616 training hours to 456 workers on 36 farms.

Can I talk to a farmer who has participated in your trainings?
We are happy to provide a reference for you from our farm partners. Please contact Iris Reyes at (715) 387-5923 or reyes.iris@marshfieldclinic.org to ask for a farmer reference.

What do I gain from the training?
After completing all five modules, workers will receive an official certificate of completion. You will receive a sign in sheet for each training, documentation that OSHA requires. Most importantly, you will have a workforce better trained in safety – an investment that will help you manage costs such as insurance premiums and increase productivity and efficiency.

Disclaimer: Funding for this project was made possible (in part) by the cooperative agreement award U54OH010170 for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.